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Having Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

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For many patients, having their wisdom teeth removed can be an involved but necessary process. Due to the anxiety that a major dental procedure can cause, patients that are not informed about this procedure can be far more likely to delay it for an unnecessary long match.

Failing To Have Wisdom Teeth Extracted Can Lead To Major Complications For A Patient

One of the most obvious complications that wisdom teeth can create is causing immense pain to the patient as they grow into the mouth. While this can have a major impact on a person's quality of life, it is important to note that this is not the only way that failing to have wisdom teeth removed can create problems for a patient. It is also possible for these teeth to become infected if they are not removed. In extreme cases, this can lead to abscesses that can cause extensive damage to the tissue in the mouth, as well as spread to other areas of the body.

You Should Expect To Be Sore In The Days After The Wisdom Teeth Are Extracted

Having your wisdom teeth removed is likely to be far less painful or uncomfortable than you may have expected. This can be due to the powerful local anesthetics that the dentist may use prior to starting the extraction process. However, it is common for patients to be sore for a few days after this procedure. Additionally, there may be some minor swelling that occurs in the days after the wisdom teeth are extracted.

You Need To Be Mindful When Eating And Drinking For Several Days After The Wisdom Teeth Are Extracted

During the healing process, you will need to be especially mindful of what you are eating and drinking. Until the tissue in your mouth has healed, you should limit yourself to eating foods that are extremely soft, since crunchy or hard foods will be able to disturb the scab that forms on the extraction site. In addition to being mindful of the food that you are eating, you should also be careful when it comes to drinking. For example, you might want to avoid carbonated beverages and the use of straws. The carbonation could be enough to disturb the scab that has formed, and this could lead to a higher risk of infection or pain occurring. Straws can be extremely problematic for tooth extraction patients since the pressure of using a straw could lead to a dry-socket forming, which can be extremely painful and may require professional treatment.

Learn more about wisdom teeth removal by reaching out to a dentist near you.
