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Does Your Mouthwash Make a Difference?

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There are a lot of things that you should be doing at home to take care of your oral health. In addition to brushing and flossing your teeth to keep them clean, some people like to use mouthwash as well to help get rid of the bacteria that could be causing their gums to be inflamed. However, there are two types of mouthwashes that you have to pick from, which either use alcohol or are alcohol-free. Here is what you need to know about the differences between these two types of mouthwashes. 

Alcohol Mouthwashes

The main reason to use an alcohol mouthwash is that it helps extend how long the mouthwash will last after you purchase it. You'll find that the expiration date is much further away than an alcohol-free mouthwash when you compare the two. This is good for people that don't rinse their mouth with mouthwash that often. Alcohol mouthwashes are also very effective at helping with gingival issues, such as periodontal disease. 

There are a few reasons why you may want to avoid using mouthwash that contains alcohol. If you are more susceptible to dry mouth, be aware that alcohol mouthwash can actually contribute to the problem. This can lead to less saliva, which makes you more prone to cavities. That imbalance of bacteria in your mouth may also cause the mouthwash to not work as well when it comes to freshening your breath, since an alcohol-free mouthwash will not make your mouth as dry. Small children should also avoid alcohol mouthwashes because they can accidentally swallow it. 

Alcohol-Free Mouthwashes

Many people like alcohol-free mouthwashes because it doesn't cause that burning sensation that you may experience with using an alcohol mouthwash. This is a personal preference, but if you can't stand the sensation then you'll need to switch which type you use. It is also better for people that experience dry mouth, for small children, and for preventing cavities due to all the reasons alcohol mouthwashes come up short.

There are not that many downsides to alcohol-free mouthwashes that would make you not want to use them. While not having alcohol will cause an alcohol-free mouthwash to take a little longer to provide benefits with gingival issues, you still get the same protection over time. 

There is not a perfect mouthwash for everyone. If you have questions about which one you should use, visit a dental practice such as Ashland  Family Dentistry.
