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Common Dental Issues for Kids That a Dentist Can Address

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Early dental visits for children can benefit their oral health as they transition from childhood to adulthood. Dentists educate them on proper dental care and emphasize oral health habits. This prevents early tooth decay, among other problems that could start early. Some of these issues are:

You've Noticed Tooth Caries or Cavities with Your Kid

Cavities are fairly common among children. They're caused by tooth decay when acids in the mouth wear down a tooth's enamel, which is the hard outer layer of a tooth. In the mouth, acids are produced when the bacteria in the mouth process food particles. The process also secretes a biofilm referred to as plaque. Over time, this plaque will hold bacteria, acids, and sugars to your teeth. It is these byproducts that erode the enamel. Cavities can present as tiny holes and are also referred to as caries. Parents should regularly take children to a dentist because tooth decay is a preventable dental condition.

You've Noticed That Your Kid Experiences Tooth Sensitivity

Your kid will start having tooth sensitivity when plaque and acids eat away at the enamel of teeth and leave nerves slightly or completely exposed. This exposure causes sensitivity and irritation, as well as discomfort of the teeth while eating hot or cold foods. Inhaling cold or hot air could also cause pain. Even though the sensitivity of the teeth isn't always a major problem, it can sometimes indicate a severe dental problem. Tooth sensitivity can also be a sign of existing cavities. A dental practitioner may use sealant to strengthen the teeth' enamel as a possible remedy, consequently reducing sensitivity.

You've Noticed That Your Kid's Gums Are Inflamed

Gingivitis is popularly referred to as gum disease. It occurs when the gum becomes inflamed due to poor dental hygiene and plaque accumulation. If left unchecked, gingivitis can result in bone damage, blood infection, and even tooth loss. In addition, a child with gingivitis often has red and swollen gum. Gum disease is also often accompanied by breath odor.

Gingivitis in kids can come in three types. Chronic gingivitis leads to swollen gum tissue that bleeds quite easily. The other type is aggressive periodontitis, and this disease leads to the loss of tissue that forms a support system for your kid's teeth. The third type is generalized aggressive, which affects the entire mouth. Symptoms of gum disease include severely inflamed gums and pus between teeth. Parents and other caregivers must take children suffering from gingivitis to a dental practitioner for treatment. The good thing about gum disease is that it's preventable by frequent brushing of teeth and regular dental visits.

Your Kid Has Lesions Inside Their Mouth 

Canker sores are small lesions that can form not only on the inside of the kid's mouth, but also at the base of the gums. They appear white. Canker sores, unlike cold sores, are not contagious, and often go away independently. However, canker sores bring discomfort to a child when eating or talking. A dentist will help identify what is causing the canker sores and give proper treatment.

Visit a kids dentist with your young one to help you understand proper dental care that will help prevent dental problems. You will also get proper treatment for any existing dental problems. This helps improve the quality of the child's life.
