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Why Get Tooth Implants?

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Your dentist may suggest dental implants as a solution to your missing teeth. Dental implants are installed through surgery, and you may be wondering if oral surgery is worth it. There are a few different factors to consider, and the final decision is ultimately up to you. However, here are four reasons that you may want to consider replacing missing teeth with tooth implants:

1. Protect your bones.

Your jawbone receives a lot of stimulation each day. Every time you chew, the roots of your teeth put pressure on the surrounding bone. This pressure keeps your jawbone healthy, which in turn prevents erosion. When teeth go missing, this pressure vanishes. Bone erosion can follow shortly after. Dental implants are excellent at preserving patients' jawbones. Titanium posts are inserted into your bone through your gums. These posts mimic your missing tooth roots and provide the type of stimulation that will preserve your jaw health.

2. Avoid costly orthodontic work.

The teeth in your mouth hold each other in place. If one tooth is removed, the remaining teeth will shift over time to close the gap. This shifting phenomenon is usually undesirable. It can create an uneven smile and even affect your ability to chew because of malocclusion. Orthodontic work is the only solution for teeth that have shifted. The cost of braces can quickly add up. Getting dental implants in a timely manner can help you avoid the cost of orthodontic interventions.

3. Continue to enjoy your favorite foods.

Many beloved foods are terrible for those with dentures. Sticky foods like caramel, toffee, and gum can dislodge dentures, even if they've been secured by dental adhesive. Chewing corn nuts, ice, or hard candies can similarly interfere with your dentures. Once your dental implants heal, they will be bonded with your jawbone, just like your other teeth. You'll never have to worry about accidentally losing one of your implants while enjoying a beloved snack. Tooth implants give you the ultimate freedom to eat whatever you like.

4. Present a pristine smile to the world.

Tooth loss is always a cause for concern, especially when it occurs in a visible location. If you have a gap in your teeth, you may be hesitant to smile. Tooth implants are made from porcelain that offers a color and translucence that closely mimics natural teeth. When you choose to get tooth implants, you'll be able to smile with confidence. No one will even be able to tell the difference between your implants and your natural teeth.

Reach out to a dentist near you to learn more about dental implants
