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Need Dentures For One Or Two Missing Teeth? Know Your Options

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Have you been considering dentures as a way to fix your missing teeth? If so, know that there are more options than a full set of fake teeth. There are actually several types of denture options so that you can pick the one that works best for you

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are great for those who are only missing a few teeth and still have a lot of their natural teeth. The dentures have a soft base that is covered with metal that slides into the space where you are missing your tooth. It can be used for practically any missing tooth in your mouth.

The process of getting partial dentures works by preparing your teeth because some slight modifications might need to be done to accommodate the partial denture. A mold is then taken of your mouth, both the upper and lower jaws, to determine how your natural bite aligns. Your dentist uses this information to create a partial denture that will feel like a natural fit in your mouth when it is completed. 

Expect to come back to your dentist to have adjustments made so that the partial denture feels comfortable. 

Implant-Supported Dentures

An implant-supported denture is a much more complicated process since it involves placing a titanium post into your jawbone. The post is what gives the denture strength and stability, and it will prevent the denture from slipping around in your mouth. The stability alone is a reason why many people get implant-supported dentures, since they can eat foods as they normally would and they don't have to worry about the denture moving when using it.

Implant-supported dentures are different from dental implants in a few ways. The most notable way is that the denture is removable, so you can take it out for care and maintenance as needed. The denture material is also more affordable than a dental crown, which is designed to be a permanent solution for missing teeth.

However, the drawback of implant-supported dentures is that they are very expensive to have installed. Expect to pay several thousand dollars for the procedure, especially if other work must be performed, such as a bone graft. 

Not sure which type of denture will work best for you? Reach out to a local dentist for more information. They can examine your mouth and make a professional recommendation based on what they see.

For more information on dentures, contact a dentist.
