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Here's Why Dental Implants Are More Natural Than You Think

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If you're the type of person that's concerned about doing unnatural things to your body, for health or any other reason, you might feel wary of dental implants. The concept of putting metal into your gums could be disconcerting. However, you should know that dental implants are actually one of the most natural methods of replacement for a lost tooth. Here's exactly why.

Safe Metals

Dental implants aren't made with just any old metal. They're made out of titanium, one of the strongest metals there is. This not only ensures durability but also gives you the safest experience.

In some instances, inserting metals into the body can be a problem. Some metals are toxic and can harm you. However, titanium is something called biocompatible. The body doesn't have an inflammatory or immune response to titanium at all, and titanium doesn't leach anything into the body. The two work perfectly in tandem.

Natural Mechanisms

Another reason why titanium implants are more natural is that they help your body to engage in its own natural mechanisms, unlike any other tooth replacement.

The day-to-day chewing that you do serves a greater purpose than just helping you to mash up your food. The bones in your jaw rely on the teeth to help them stay healthy and strong. The pressure of your bite travels through each of your teeth and into the jaw bone that they're mounted in, which stimulates the bones to build new healthy cells.

When the chewing mechanism is lost with a missing tooth, your jaw bones can get thinner and weaker as a result. However, they can also continue to weaken if you choose a tooth replacement like dentures or a bridge, because those replacements only sit on top of the gums rather than traveling down to the jaw bone like an implant or real tooth.

Maintenance Natural

Dental implants are also natural when it comes to how you care for them. Unlike other replacements that require you to remove them or to use special tools to care for them, implants are cleaned like real teeth. You floss between them and brush them, and you're basically finished. Dental implants need regular inspections and cleanings from your dentist like real teeth do, but otherwise, you don't have to go through the extra and unnatural hassle of dealing with alternative tooth replacements.

If you've been fretting over whether tooth implants are safe and natural, you should be pretty convinced by this point that they are. Talk to your dentist and start the process of restoring your smile today with dental implants.
