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Dealing With Wisdom Tooth Pain At Home

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Most people these days end up having their wisdom teeth removed when they are in their late teens or early 20s. This prevents you from having to deal with issues like infection, jaw pain, and misaligned teeth later on. If your wisdom teeth are impacted or in the process of erupting, however, you may be in some pain. Here are a few ways to deal with that pain until you are able to get to a dentist, like Kenneth Schweizer DDS PA, and have the teeth removed.

1. Hold cucumber slices against the sore areas.

Put cucumber slices in the refrigerator until they become very cold. Then, hold a slice of cucumber between your cheek and the part of your jaw that is sore. The cold will help ease pain and inflammation, and the cucumber also contains natural compounds that help suck extra fluid out of your gum tissue, reducing the inflammation even further. (This is why people sometimes place cucumber slices over their eyes.)

2. Rub clove oil on it.

You can typically find clove oil in the pharmacy section of your grocery store. It is sold as a pain relieving preparation for people with tooth pain -- and it works very well. Rub a dab on the areas that are most sore. The taste may be awful, but your pain will soon disappear. You can use the oil every few hours while you're awake to keep your jaw more comfortable.

3. Rinse with salt water.

If the tooth is actually erupting past your gums, some of the pain may be at the surface where your gums are sore and bleeding. Rinse your mouth with salt water to help soothe this pain. A teaspoon of table salt dissolved in a standard cup of water is enough. Make sure you don't swallow it -- too much salt can upset your stomach.

4. Hold ice against your face.

If the pain is really radiating through the side of your face, try holding an ice pack against the sore area. Place a thin washcloth or towel between the ice and your face so that you don't end up getting frost bite. Hold the ice in place for 20 minutes at a time for maximum benefits.

With the tips above, you can ease your wisdom tooth pain. Remember, however, that if your dentist has recommended having the teeth removed, this is always the best option for keeping future pain at bay
