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Tips And Tricks For Your Invisalign

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Invisalign is a way to straighten your teeth without the look of the silver brackets that traditional braces have. Invisalign retainers are nearly invisible and can be worn without anyone even noticing them in your mouth. To make sure your Invisalign treatment goes as it should there are some tips and tricks to help you along the way. Read on for some of these tips and tricks.

Wear Your Retainers

Your Invisalign retainer needs to be worn in order for the straightening process to work as it should. These retainers need to be worn about 22 hours per day, and new retainers are given every couple of weeks. If you don't wear the retainers as long as you should during the day your teeth are going to take much longer to straighten, meaning longer time wearing the Invisalign retainers and more cost to you.

Clean Your Retainers

Clean your retainers with a toothbrush and denture tablets. Do not use toothpaste to clean your retainers. These retainers will end up accumulating with plaque and other bacteria, so clean them to prevent them from smelling or causing yellowing or staining of your teeth.

Remove Retainers Carefully

It may be difficult to remove your retainers at times, but they should be removed to eat and drink (anything other than water) and to brush your teeth. If your retainers are hard to get off, don't fight them, or you could damage the retainers or your mouth. Instead, use an Invisalign retainer tool to remove them. It looks like a hook tool that can help you pull the retainers out of your mouth. Rinsing your mouth with warm water can also help loosen the retainer from your teeth.

Use The Retainer Case

The retainer case will help protect your Invisalign retainers from damage and bacteria and can prevent losing the retainers as well. Carry your case with you when out to eat and don't forget to bring a small toothbrush (to brush after eating) and retainer removal tool to help you remove your retainer when you're away from home.

Visit Your Dentist

Make sure to visit your dentist on your scheduled visits to have your teeth checked and to have new Invisalign retainers given to you as needed. Failing to make these appointments may mean a longer treatment period and again, more cost to you.

Invisalign retainers will get you a straighter smile, but you'll need to wear them properly and take good care of the retainers in order to achieve successful results.
