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Options To Replace Multiple Teeth In The Same Palate

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If you have lost a number of teeth but the majority of the teeth in your palate are still in place, you may be looking for a tooth-replacement option to help fill the gaps in your smile. There are multiple options available for people who need to replace several teeth. Here are some of them:

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures, like full dentures, are false teeth that are attached to a plastic base. The base of the dentures is gum-colored to help the dentures appear natural in the mouth. 

The base of a partial denture may be connected to the framework within the mouth to help hold the partial appliance in position. Still, many partial dentures are removable. They can be attached and detached from crowns within the mouth.

With a partial denture in place, the gaps within the patient's mouth are hidden, and the patient's chewing ability is restored. Since the partial denture is not likely to slip about due to its attachment mechanisms, the denture performs much like natural teeth.

To keep the partial denture clean, it is important to rinse the appliance with cool water after eating. Water that is too warm can cause the plastic components of the partial denture to warp. In addition, the mouth should be cleaned once the denture is removed.

Also, the partial denture should be brushed at least once daily using a toothbrush with soft bristles. For further cleaning, the denture can be soaked in a denture-cleaning solution overnight. If the appliance is left out of a liquid, it may dry out.

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges that are fixed in the mouth can also be used to replace multiple missing teeth. Traditionally fixed bridges are secured in the mouth as the bridge crowns are cemented over bordering teeth. Once in place, the bridge looks like real teeth. 

However, over time, changes to the gums can affect the appearance of a fixed bridge. Many bridge crowns are made from porcelain-over-metal, and if the gums recede, the underlying metal may appear, making the bridge look less attractive.

Additionally, since the bridge is not removable, special care must be taken to keep the space between the gums and the false teeth of the bridge free of plaque and debris. Although the bridge cannot decay, the surrounding gums can become inflamed from exposure to plaque and bacterial acids.

If you have lost several teeth within the same palate, schedule an appointment with a dentist in your local area. 
