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Adults: Give Your Smile A "Touch Up" With Invisible Aligners

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When you have braces as a child or teen, you're usually told to wear a retainer for several years afterwards in order to keep your teeth in their new, proper places. But, you would not be the first one to have disobeyed those orders! If you did not wear your retainer properly early on, your teeth may be a bit crooked again now that you're an adult. Thankfully, you should not have to suffer through another round of braces to straighten them. Invisible aligners are perfect for fixing  slightly crooked teeth resulting from a lack of retainer follow-through. Here's a closer look at the process:

What are invisible aligners? Invisible aligners are clear, plastic trays that you snap over your teeth. They slowly push your teeth back into their proper places. Every two weeks or so, you switch to a new aligner. Each one moves your teeth a little closer to the proper position.

What are the benefits of invisible aligners over braces?

As an adult, you probably don't want to be flashing metal every time you smile. Invisible aligners are named as such because they're nearly invisible on your teeth. If someone gets up close and stares at you, they might be able to make out the outline of the aligner on your teeth, but in general, nobody is going to notice that you're wearing them.

Since you remove the aligners to eat, there's no need to avoid crunchy foods as with braces. You don't have to worry about sore gums and cheeks, either, since the aligners don't rub like braces.

How long will you have to wear the aligners?

Your dentist will give you an estimate of how long you need to wear the aligners based on the unique position of your teeth. In many cases, adults who previously had braces and only need a little straightening only need to wear the aligners for about 6 months, at most.

Are there any challenges associated with invisible aligners?

Though you will avoid the rubbing and abrasion that comes with braces, you will have some soreness in your jaw as the aligners move your teeth. This can generally be controlled with ice packs and pain relievers. You must also be very careful about keeping your teeth clean. You'll need to brush and floss after every meal and before putting the aligners into place, or else you'll trap bacteria against your teeth and increase your risk of tooth decay.

Talk toa  dentist, like Orthodontic Associates, for more help.
