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Just Get Dental Implants? Avoid Doing These 4 Things

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Not only are dental implants a wonderful way to fix your missing teeth, but they can be quite expensive. Even though your dental implants are a permanent fixture of your mouth, you'll need to take some extra care to make sure that they stay in great shape. In order to prevent complications, be sure to avoid doing these 4 things after your dental implant surgery.

Eating Hard Foods

You'll want to avoid eating any hard foods after you get your dental implants installed. Refrain from eating hard granola, nuts, any items that have seeds, and even chewing on ice cubes. Check with your dentist about how long you should stick to a soft food diet, which could depend on how your gums are healing.

Drinking Coffee and Wine

Passing on your morning cup of coffee may be hard to do, but it is a key step to take after getting dental implants. Think of dental implants as if they were a new carpet that you had installed in your home. Would the very first thing you do involve walking across the carpet with dirty shoes?

Dental implants can stain just like normal teeth, since the material is designed to blend in with your existing teeth as they become discolored over time. Implants are not a free pass to go back to drinking all of those beverages that made your old teeth look bad.


Your gums will be sore immediately after your dental implant surgery, and smoking could potentially irritate your gums even further. Smoking also contributes to teeth staining, which is something that you now have a fresh start on thanks to your dental implants. Of course, if the potential impact on your new implants is not enough to change your mind, the health risks alone should be enough to find an excuse to quit smoking.

Ignoring The Recovery Instructions

Pay close attention to all recovery instructions provided by your dentist. This can include a very specific diet tailored to your needs, and daily hygiene and maintenance recommendations to care and clean your dental implants. Your dentist may even provide specific signs to look for that can let you know if you have a complication with the procedure, which can include excessive bleeding or a fever.

Dental implants do require special care since they are such as big procedure to have done. By complying with these 4 things, it will help ensure everything goes smoothly after your surgery. Continue here for additional reading.
