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4 Applications To Reduce The Gaps Between Your Teeth

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Although some people find large spaces between the teeth attractive, you may be uncomfortable with your interdental gaps. Still, there are multiple cosmetic dental applications that can be used to reduce the appearance of spacing between the teeth. Here are a few of them:


Dental veneers are thin resin or ceramic tooth-shaped shells that are bonded to the front surface of the teeth. The veneers can be selected in a shade that is perfectly white or matched to the color of your other teeth. Dental veneers can make interdental spaces in your mouth look smaller by covering or concealing the spaces. Veneers that are slightly wider than your natural teeth can be applied to make interdental spacing appear dramatically reduced.

Composite Bonding

Composite bonding material can also be applied to the teeth to make gaps between the teeth look smaller. The material can be applied to the front of the teeth to help conceal the gaps like veneers do, or it can be used to fill in an interdental space. To make the bonding material look more natural, a line can be added to the bonding material that fills the gap, so that the teeth appear to be closer together.

As long as the bonding material is matched to the color of the teeth to which it will be applied, the cosmetic improvement will look quite natural.


Braces can also be used to help close gaps between the teeth. The brackets of the braces are cemented to the front surface of the teeth and an archwire is connected to the brackets using elastic bands. The archwire can be tightened to apply pressure that forces the teeth to shift closer together.

Many different types of braces, such as conventional braces, lingual braces and self-ligating braces, can be used to narrow the gaps between the teeth. The self-ligating braces shift the teeth more quickly than other options because the oppositional generated by the elastic bands rubbing against the archwire and brackets is eliminated.

Clear Plastic Aligners

Clear plastic aligners can also be used to help eliminate large interdental gaps between the teeth. The aligners realign the teeth without the use of brackets or archwire. Instead, multiple sets of aligners are used to gradually move the teeth. Each set of aligner is donned for a few weeks before the orthodontic patient progresses to the next set of aligners in the treatment plan.

To learn more ways to minimize the large gaps between your teeth, schedule an appointment with a cosmetic dentist in your area.
