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3 Ways To Ensure Your Dental Implants Don't Fail

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Dental implants are often times a great alternative to the use of dentures. They are a much more permanent option and are just as integrally sound as dentures. However, there are a few ways in which your body can reject implants. Throughout the course of this brief guide, you will learn about a few ways in which you can ensure that your dental implants won't fail.

Resolve or Address Existing Health Issues

There are some issues regarding your health that may make your body's acceptance of implants a bit more difficult. Some of these issues can even exacerbate your body's inability to accept dental implants. Since dental implants are grafted onto your jaw bones, any structural issues you have regarding the strength of your bones, including osteoporosis, should be addressed. It is also imperative that you alert your oral surgeon about any such issues and discuss the entirety of your medical history with him or her. Your surgeon can discuss some of the issues that might arise due to any bone-related issues.

Oral Hygiene

Just as you did before you had implants, it is important to practice good oral hygiene. Just because your teeth may be artificial now does not mean that you can avoid good health practices when it comes to your mouth. The implants themselves are incredibly resilient and resist decay, but the rest of your natural teeth and your gums must still be taken care of in a rigorous manner. If you do not take care of your oral hygiene, your gums can become riddled with plaque, which can eventually force your body to reject the implants. Bacteria can also form around the implants themselves, which can engender Peri-implantitis, a disease that can cause even more gum decay. In other words: continue to brush and floss your teeth, even your implants!

Quit Smoking

Smoking can increase the chances of your body rejecting your dental implants. Gum disease is among the health issues that smoking can cause and exacerbate. The presence of bacteria that smoking can cause in your mouth can lead to the overall rejection of the implants. Among the other issues associated with smoking that can cause your body to reject implants include gum inflammation and weakened jaw bones.

Throughout the course of this brief guide, you have hopefully learned about a few of the reasons how your dental implants can fail you, and how you can go about avoiding this issue. Contact a professional like Dr Joseph W Langford for more information.   
