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What You Need To Know About Gum Lifts

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If you are dissatisfied with the way your smile looks, which include teeth that appear small, you may be considering having some cosmetic dentistry done. Which technique will work best for you? A gum lift is a procedure that can help improve many aesthetic problems that make you feel less confident. By understanding how a gum lift works and the benefits that you'll see, you can decide if it is the best cosmetic dentistry option for you.

What Gum Lifts Do

Gum lifts involve trimming part of the gums, shaping them in a way that makes a smile look even. It's common to use a gum lift if someone feels their gums are not proportioned properly to their teeth, since removing part of the gums will make the teeth look bigger.

These days, the procedure is done using a laser. Not only does it help the dentist perform the procedure with more precision, but it helps reduce any pain that the patient may feel, as opposed to the older method that was done using a blade.

Gum lifts are typically done along with other types of cosmetic dental procedures. For example, when getting dental veneers installed, the gum lift procedure will also be done to create an even gum line. They can also be done as a solo procedure.

How Gum Lifts Work

The procedure starts by applying local anesthesia to the gums. The gums are then trimmed with a laser, which seals blood vessels as it cuts to prevent excessive bleeding. You'll need to schedule a followup visit with your dentist to ensure that you did not get an infection from the procedure.

What The Recovery Process Is Like

In the initial hours after the procedure, you should avoid drinking or eating anything until your anesthesia has completely worn off. Once you can eat, you'll need to stick to soft foods over the first couple days.  Then you can eat a normal diet.

During the recovery period, you should be using a mouthwash that is alcohol-free to rinse out your mouth every day. Avoid smoking as well, and brush your teeth often to avoid plaque buildup under you gums.

The Benefits You Will See

Having a gum lift done is very safe, with little chance of an infection occurring. Your gums won't grow back, so you'll never need to have the procedure done again. It will also result in a symmetrical smile that makes you feel confident.

For more information, contact Pine Lake Dental Group or a similar location.
