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Wisdom Teeth Gotta Go? 4 Steps To A Speedy And Comfortable Recovery

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If you're about to have your wisdom teeth extracted, you'll want to be prepared for the recovery period. Your dentist will provide you with a list of instructions that you'll need to follow. In addition to those instructions, here are some other steps you can take to help make your recovery more comfortable.

Avoid Dry Socket

When your wisdom teeth are removed, you will be left with open sockets where the teeth once were. Those sockets will fill with blood, which will begin to clot shortly after your surgery. It's important that the clots remain in place until the sockets are completely healed. If the blood clots are dislodged, your mouth may not heal properly. You may also experience severe pain. Here are some things you should avoid for the first few days after surgery to prevent dry sockets.

  • Straws
  • Swishing vigorously
  • Toothbrushes on the surgical site

Stay Elevated

When you come home from the dental office, you'll need to rest. It's important that you not lay your head flat for the first few days. Instead, use several pillows to elevate your head. This will prevent pressure from building up on the surgical site and will allow the blood clot to form properly.

Keep Your Mouth Hydrated

While you're healing, your mouth needs to stay hydrated. The moisture will promote healthy healing and it will also keep germs and bacteria flushed out of your mouth. For at least the first few days after surgery, keep a bottle of water with you at all times. Whenever you feel your mouth drying out, take a few sips of water. As discussed above, don't use a straw, or you'll risk getting dry socket.

Massage Your Jaw

During the surgery, your dentist is going to have your mouth open wide and a lot of pressure is going to be placed on your jaw. You can alleviate some of the post-surgical discomfort by gently massaging each side of your jaw. Place two fingers on each side of your jaw just below your ear lobes. Slowly move your fingers in a circular motion clockwise. Continue massaging for about one minute. Reverse to counterclockwise motion and massage for another minute. Repeat the process for about 5 minutes, several times a day.

If you have to have your wisdom teeth removed, you should make plans for your recovery beforehand. The steps discussed above will help ensure that you have a quick and comfortable recovery. For more information, contact an experienced dentist like Skeels David K
