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Some Simple Tips To Whiter Teeth

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While there are many teeth whitening products on the market, it's always best if you can keep your teeth looking white naturally. By making a few changes to your lifestyle, you can keep your teeth looking whiter for longer. This will help you have the smile you want without the need to spend a lot of money to achieve it. Learn some simple tips for whiter teeth in this article:

Use a water flosser

Flossing is very important when it comes to keeping your teeth white, as well as healthy. When food gets trapped between your teeth and is allowed to set there, it can cause more staining to take place. However, some people have a hard time with floss. Using a water flosser is easier and it will help to remove more food since you can get it into more areas.

Use the right tooth brush

Brushing your teeth is a crucial part to keeping your teeth looking great. The wrong tooth brush won't allow you to fully clean all the surfaces of all your teeth. Choose a tooth brush that fits the size of your mouth and which has a slightly bent tip. It's also good to get one with bristles of mixed lengths. A slightly bent handle will also make it easier for you to reach your back teeth properly.

Use baking soda and peroxide

Brush your teeth with a mixture of baking soda and peroxide every so often. To make the mixture correctly you will mix about a tablespoon of baking soda with some hydrogen peroxide. Continue adding in a small amount of the peroxide and stir the mixture until you achieve a smooth, non-gritty texture. The baking soda will clean your teeth and the peroxide will help kill germs while whitening your teeth.

Stay away from teeth-staining foods

Eating foods know to stain teeth will fight your efforts. Some of the foods you want to avoid include coffee, tea, red wine, pasta sauce and blueberries. If you do eat foods that stain, you should brush your teeth after or at least rinse your mouth with water.

Following the tips in this article is going to help you keep your teeth whiter longer. When you finally need a teeth whitening treatment, it's best if you go to your dentist for a treatment. They will use only the best products and can spot potential issues with your teeth.

Contact a company such as Family Dental Center TriCities, PC to learn more.
