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Going On Vacation? Maybe . . . But Not from Your Oral Health

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Your vacation is coming up. You are set to have a blast, but your fun can quickly cause you to forget important daily tasks that need to be done. When you're away from home, your everyday routines are much easier to neglect. This includes your oral hygiene practices. You can't take a vacation from ensuring proper dental hygiene. Here are a few traveling tips for your oral health:

1. Make Sure You Have a Backup Plan.

You never know if you might lose your luggage or run out of oral health supplies. If you're in a foreign location, you may be unable to find replacements. Therefore, you need to make sure that you have some extras on hand. It's perfectly fine to have extras in your luggage, but make sure to also include some in your carry-on bag and your purse (just in case the cargo luggage is lost).

2. Protect Your Toothbrush from Bacteria.

Your toothbrush is the perfect environment for bacteria and germs to grow. You will likely want to use a toothbrush cap to protect your brush while it is in your luggage. However, you should remove it from the cap as soon as you settle into your hotel. Otherwise, the moist bristles tightly enclosed in a cap will promote the growth of bacteria.

3. Consider Disposable Oral Health Products.

Depending on where you're traveling, clean water may not always be easily accessible. Therefore, you may want to consider packing a few disposable items, such as pack floss, tooth wipes, and disposable toothbrushes. There are even toothbrushes with a built-in toothpaste dispenser.

4. Keep Gum Handy.

It isn't always easy to make it to a bathroom or place where you can brush your teeth after you eat. You can rinse with water after your meals to wash away any food particles, but this isn't always enough. Therefore, you need to make sure you have some sugarless gum on hand at all times. According to the American Dental Association, this will help stimulate the production of saliva in the mouth and rinse away any sugars and acids that are in the mouth. Gum chewing for at least 20 minutes after a meal can assist in preventing tooth decay.

Before you head out on a vacation, you need to make sure that you and the rest of your family visit your family dentist for a dental checkup and thorough cleaning. You want to make sure your teeth are in good shape before you leave home. Consider setting up an appointment with Cassity, Jessica DDS.
