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4 Signs That A Crown Might Be The Right Dental Treatment For You

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Although you might have heard of a dental crown, there is a good chance that you don't know what they are if you have never had one. However, you should know that dental crowns are extremely popular dental treatments for a reason. They can be used to treat a wide range of dental issues; these are a few of the many issues that your dentist can use a crown to treat. If you are dealing with any of these dental situations, then it might be time to schedule an appointment with your dentist to find out more about crowns.

1. You Have a Weak Tooth

If you have a weak tooth that is on the verge of breaking but that has not fractured yet, you probably want to do what you can to save it. Luckily, a crown can be a great choice. A crown will help provide the weak tooth with added support and will help protect it from breaking, all while providing you with better function.

2. You Have an Unsightly Tooth

If you have an unsightly tooth that is making you feel bad about your appearance, there is no reason to continue on without doing something about it. A crown can be placed on top of an unsightly tooth, such as a tooth that is discolored and cannot be fixed with teeth whitening or a tooth that is shaped differently than your other pearly whites.

3. You're Interested in a Bridge

If you are currently missing one or more teeth or are planning on having one of your teeth removed, you could be thinking about a bridge as a means of replacement. A crown can help hold your bridge in place and can help improve the appearance of your smile by replacing a missing or removed tooth.

4. You Have a Huge Cavity

If you have a really big cavity, such as if you have been ignoring a cavity for a while and are finally getting it fixed, then you should know that a filling might not be enough to fill in the hole. This is where a crown can come in handy; it can go over your tooth and filling to provide additional support.

As you can see, a crown can be used for much more than you probably think. In fact, these are just four of many signs that you should talk to a dentist at a clinic like Four Corners Dental Group about the wonders of crowns and the many things that they can do for your teeth.
