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Denture Adhesives: Are They Right For You?

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Do you have dentures? Do you sometimes feel like the dentures aren't as secure in your mouth as you'd like them to be? It's possible that you could benefit from denture adhesives. Denture adhesives usually come in the form of powder or paste that's applied to the denture mold. The adhesive mixes with your saliva to form a sticky substance and hold the dentures in place. While adhesives can be helpful, they're not right for everyone. Your dentures may feel loose because they're not properly fitted to your gums. No amount of adhesive will fix that problem. Here are a few ways to tell whether adhesives are right for you:

When Adhesives are a Good Solution:

When you know the dentures are fitted properly. If you just saw your dentist or your dentures were recently constructed, then you're probably pretty confident that they're sized appropriately. In this case, a small amount of adhesive could be a great way to make them feel more secure. However, if you haven't seen your dentist in a long time, you may want to schedule a visit to make sure your dentures are fitted correctly before you start using adhesives.

When you have dry mouth issues. Even when you don't use an adhesive, your dentures are dependent on your mouth's saliva to stick to your gums. If your mouth is dry, even properly fitted dentures can have problems staying in place. This is a common problem for people on medications that cause dry mouth. Elderly people, too, can frequently suffer from dry mouth. Adhesives can be a nice backup solution to make sure the dentures stay in place.

When you do a lot of speaking throughout the day. Every time you speak, your mouth's movement is forcing your dentures out of position. If your mouth repeats those movements consistently throughout the day, the dentures could eventually come loose. Individuals who have to do a lot of public speaking for work often have to use adhesives to keep their dentures in place.

When Adhesives May Not Be an Effective Solution:

Generally, if you have any doubt about whether your dentures are fitted properly then adhesives may not be a good solution. If you feel like your dentures aren't flush with your gums completely, then they may not fit properly. If it's been a long time since your dentures were fitted, you may need a new set. If you have to use more than a few drops of adhesive to keep your dentures in place, the problem is probably in the fitting and not in the adhesive itself.

If you're unsure about whether denture adhesive is right for you, talk to a denturist at TLC Dental Center. He or she can make sure your dentures fit and then recommend the best type of adhesive.
